Sunlite suite

DMX lighting control for Windows

In sunlite suite 2 you are able to create a timeline-based lightshow by using MIDI timecode. If you want to use this feature you have to enable it in ProDJLink>settings.


In sunlite suite 2 you have to go to Software preferences.

select MIDI setup.

then select MIDI TIME CODE IN.

Here you can select ProDJLink to receive timecode. Once your MIDI timecode is connected, select the IN button to begin receiving the timecode signal. Now your timeline lightshow synchronizes with your timecode signal created by ProDJLink. You can create offsets in ProDJLink so your show moves on when you start specific songs.

Also you can synchronize the tempo of your lightshow by using a MIDI beat clock. For this you have to activate the MIDI beat clock in ProDJLink.

You can enable this feature in settings. In sunlite suite 2 you must connect to the Midi beat clock. You can set this up in

sound to light>BPM

press BPM by Midi Clock.

Now the tempo of your lighting is in sync with your pioneer set.